Become a Member

Anyone can join, we're an all-inclusive club. Each session is run at your own pace. Our only ask is that you can run 5km.

Email [email protected] and we'll get back to you



Do I have to be a member in order to come along to a training session?

Not at all. We offer a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) option for just £2 per session.

We meet at 7.10pm on Mondays and Wednesdays, locations may vary, see our Facebook page for details.

We ask new attendees to come at 7.00pm and introduce themselves to the coaches.

Training lasts approximately an hour.

I am a member with another club, can I still train with WPR?

Of course! You can use the PAYG option or join as an affiliate member.

How much is membership?

  • Senior 18+ (all members unless in any category below) £40
  • Student £30*

  • Affiliate** (this option is applicable to anyone who is already a fully paid member of another ANI running club) £30

  • Concession - (unemployed, full-time student, aged 60+, at least one other fully paid member in the household) £30

  • Junior (12-16) £10 (must be accompanied by a parent/guardian)

  • PAYG will remain at £2 per session  

*Student upon presentation of valid student ID card
**Affiliate membership upon presentation of a valid ANI card

For further information and to join Ward Park Runners email [email protected]

Is membership yearly?

Ideally, however our membership year starts and finishes in April. Therefore if joining from 1st Oct to 31st March, reduced fees are applicable.

Where can I get a club vest and kit?

Visit our dedicated our supplier Teamwear Ireland to view our bespoke WPR collection. Please note club running vests are not currently included in this collection – please speak to one of our coaches about purchasing a vest.